Message to clients: Return to normal business operations
With the State Government announcement today, 20 November 2020, that COVID-19 restrictions across South Australia are set to lift earlier than originally anticipated, the team at SACIC is pleased to advise we will be resuming normal business operations from 9:00am Monday 23 November 2020.
Naturally, we will continue to apply appropriate COVID-safe hygiene practices that prioritise the health and wellbeing of you, our staff and the community.
For those clients who have had appointments for routine care recently postponed, please be assured we will be in touch as soon as possible to reschedule.
During these unusual times we wish to thank you for your patience, understanding and ongoing support of our service. The team at SACIC care about you and your hearing and are committed to helping you ‘hear better, live better’ in a safe and responsive manner.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on (08) 8379 4500 OR via OR via the ‘Contact Us’ option on our website
For the latest updates and information about COVID-19 please visit or